
About Me

  • I am a Ph.D. student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, advised by Prof. Jin Zhou and Prof. Romit Roy Choudhury affiliated with ECE and CS.
  • My current research direction is two-fold, broadly in interference management. (1) Blocker-tolerant wireless receivers for 5G/Software-defined radios. (2) Signal processing and machine learning algorithm in interference-dominant wireless/acoustics applications.

    • I look for interesting physics-aware algorithmic solutions that can do better job in various scenarios.
    • I strive to get an in-depth understanding on math/physics fundamentals including EM theory, stochastic process, signal processing & machine learning theory.
  • Previously, I received my B.Eng degree with highest honors from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2016. And, I received my M.S degree from University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 2018.

  • I interned at IBM Quantum Research at Yorktown Heights, NY, focusing on stochastic sub-system modeling and algorithms for quantum computing.

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